Those 16th Century men who pitted their strength against the sea were free men.  Precariously  borne above the watery abyss, they tacitly accepted in their hearts the possibility – even the probability – that they might perish in their enterprise.  That word adios –  what else could it mean?  Every time the moorings were cast off, every time they left the quay and the weeping women, that word of farewell, adios, exactly summed up their thoughts.  It meant:  We are under no illusions; hope is unlimited but it is more sensible to realise that we may not see each other again until we are united in the sight of God and by the will of God

- Salvador de Madariaga-


Discovery of America

Crew members who returned

Those who remained in The Hispaniola


The first circumnavigation of the globe:Magallanes-Elcano

                                                       Crews: 243

They go back to Spain once they have finished the voyage : .............................................   18

They are hold in Cabo Verde Islands before arriving : .......................................................    13

They died due to illnesses: .................................................................................................    82

They died fighting or killed by Indians or Moorish: .............................................................    35

They died due to accidents: ................................................................................................      2

They died drowned: ............................................................................................................      3

They died in fights on board of the ship: .............................................................................      2

They were executed for having committed crimes or because they were left in the land: ..     6

Deserters : ............................................................................................................................     8

They disappeared : ..............................................................................................................     8


Their destiny was unknown: ................................................................................................     7


They are hold by the Portuguese, and the Indians in Bruney and  Zebu : ...........................     8


They went back to Spain on the San Antonio :....................................................................    51


Crew members that went back to Spain going around the world by the first time.


Crew members kept by the Portuguese in the trip back.




Disappeared and went back to Spain on the San Antonio.

Nationalities of the crew members



The first Europeans in America


Hernán Cortés  ( México 1519 - 1521 )

List of all 760 Spanish who accompanied to Cortés   

  A-E       F-L      M-Q     R-T      U-Z       

Vázquez Coronado ( 1540 - 1542 )

List of all 322 Spanish who were part of the Coronado expedition


The conquest of the Inca empire: Francisco Pizarro

The thirteen men